Here are some words from Albrecht Mahr, one of the FC Elders who I greatly respect, emphasizing the spiritual aspect of Family Constellation work.
“Representative perception thus reminds us that in addition to our linear experience of time we also live in a timeless space, or in an all-times space – frequently unfolding in a family constellation as a quality of undoubted immediacy, simple now-ness and pure such-ness.
And there are beautiful surprises waiting for us, like in myths and fairy tales, when the annoying, the bad, the revolting and disgusting, the creatures of the dark and the horrifying, transform into the most important sources of insight, support and compassion for us – once they are really looked at and included into our life.”
If this resonates with you please come and join me on:
Saturday 27th of April 2024
Contribution $90 (early bird) – $100
(Early Bird tickets finish 20th of April)
Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time to participants.
You can book your space at https://events.humanitix.com/copy-of-family-constellation-workshop-27th-of-april-2024