
Family constellation meets Astrology

I am excited to share with you a collaborative workshop which will combine Family Constellation with the wisdom of Astrology.
Astrology has been a life long passion of mine and I am delighted to co-facilitate alongside Tina who has been a professional Astrologer for 20yrs.

In this series of 3 everyone will get a chance to look and experience the dynamics and blueprints we are born with. Your Astrology chart reflects your family system and can be explored in the same way with representatives in an experiential way. This brings awareness to your purpose and healing in this life.
Awareness always opens to new ways of seeing and changes how we respond to whats emerging. The behaviors and tendencies are not the essence of who we are but we can embrace it all with more clarity, love and compassion.
Join Tina and Claudia in this playful, insightful, healing and heartfelt exploration in a non-judgmental supportive group environment.

Morning tea provided; bring your own lunch & natal chart; if you don’t have one
ask Tina for a print-out before the workshop.

You can ring us for any questions and bookings or use this link to purchase a deposit ticket.

The Language of the Soul, FC Group July

I hope this finds you all in good spirits, managing all the balls we tend to juggle…and hopefully finding spacious and quiet moments in between to find rest and peace.

I have returned from the international Family constellation training in Bali, after extending my stay to give myself the needed space and time to integrate a deep, and at times challenging, time, full of healing, insights and learning in many aspects. It was also so good to experience the power of this work from ‘the other side’ as a participant again.
The focus of the training was on the healing sentences used in FC which were termed by the facilitator Shavasti, as the language of soul. Healing sentences acknowledge simple facts of events in the past and bring to light basic feelings and needs which we share as human beings over generations. The clarity of words and silence in between is what reaches the heart and soul of the people in the whole system. The language of the soul invites us to surrender our stories, embrace what needs to be integrated and discover the love and presence beyond ego constructs so we may embrace our lives more fully.

If this resonates with you come and join me on

Saturday 13th of July 2024

Contribution $120
Numbers are strictly limited to keep the groups small and intimate
You can book your space at

For people who like to book a family constellation please get in touch with me
Day to be announced
1/2 Day 10am -12:30pm
Contribution for issue holder: $200
Contribution for representatives: $50

Numbers are strictly limited to keep the groups small and intimate
There is also an option to have an interview to clarify your issue privately before the constellation.

PS If you are experiencing a financially challenging time and like to come to any of the groups, please get it touch.
More details with directions will be sent closer to time to all participants.

For testimonies and more information click here.

Systemic Constellation Workshop/April

Here are some words from Albrecht Mahr, one of the FC Elders who I greatly respect, emphasizing the spiritual aspect of Family Constellation work.

“Representative perception thus reminds us that in addition to our linear experience of time we also live in a timeless space, or in an all-times space – frequently unfolding in a family constellation as a quality of undoubted immediacy, simple now-ness and pure such-ness.
And there are beautiful surprises waiting for us, like in myths and fairy tales, when the annoying, the bad, the revolting and disgusting, the creatures of the dark and the horrifying, transform into the most important sources of insight, support and compassion for us – once they are really looked at and included into our life.”

If this resonates with you please come and join me on:
Saturday 27th of April 2024

Contribution $90 (early bird) – $100
(Early Bird tickets finish 20th of April)

Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time to participants.

You can book your space at

Family Constellation Workshop with Hania Gorski

I received a very insightful and healing one on one constellation session from Hania Gorski and have invited her to facilitate our next group.
Hania Gorski is an experienced therapist (35 years) and the Constellation Work facilitator (25 years). She is one of the 1st generation of Bert Hellinger’s students with 240 hours of direct group training with Bert. Hania has also trained with many leaders of the Constellation Work method in Europe and Australia. Her particular interest in working with people is trauma, including intergenerational trauma – supporting people towards empowerment and growth. The Constellation Work and phenomenological method has been, in Hania’s experience – an invaluable tool in succeeding in the post-trauma growth process.

I will be present as a participant and host. My next group is planned at the end of April. Send me an email if you like to be on my mailing list or sign up at home page.

Warmth and Blessings Claudia

You can pre-book your constellation with an extra cost.

Saturday 6th of April 2024

Cost for representatives $90
To book your constellation $180

Bring your own lunch
The venue is a 5 minutes drive from Mullumbimby. More details with directions will be sent to all participants prior to the workshop.

You can book your space at

Family Constellation Workshop 24th of February

To experience that we are all intimately connected is one of the gifts of Family Constellation work.
Here are some interesting thoughts:

“All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries when she is a four-month fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmothers’ womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms or our mother’s blood before she herself is born”. – Layne Redmon

You are warmly invited to the next FC Day on:

Saturday 24th of February 2024

Contribution $90 (early bird) – $100
Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time

You can book your space at
(Early Bird tickets finish 17th of February)

For testimonies and more information click here.

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to call 0421675474

New Year start with Family Constellation

I envisage this angel of peace to reach as many people as possible in this challenging time. Let there be peace and love amongst all beings.

I deeply appreciated each person who participated in my groups this year. It has been an honour to hold space as we deepen into this work together, trusting the field to unravel in its own way and timing. It can not be planned or pushed to a certain outcome, but always brings insights and understanding to existing dynamics igniting a movement within. Above all the love and support is a deeply felt experience as we represent parts of each others live.

Our first Family Constellation group of the new year will be on :

Saturday 20th of January 2024

Contribution $90 (early bird) – $100
Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time

You can book your space at
(Early Bird tickets finish 13th of January)
For testimonies and more information click here.

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to call 0421675474

I am not on any social media and appreciate if you like to share this invitation to whoever you think may be interested.

Warmly  :-)  Claudia

Hidden Dynamics in Family Relationships

On my recent trip to Switzerland I discovered this drawing I created when I was about 7 years old. It intrigued me how I depicted my family members.
I drew myself bigger than my parents who stand all the way to the left.

It is very common for children to take on roles which don’t belong to them. Children are by nature moved to fill any spaces or roles which are missing, or unacknowledged, in the family system. These roles are taken on unconsciously and can greatly influence how we relate to others and the world, later in life.
Often a child will be burdened to grow up too fast or become the support of one of the parents.

Through Family Constellation work we become aware of these entanglements and displaced love,and get to experience new ways of being.

I like to warmly invite you to this years last Family Constellation Group.

Saturday 9th of December 9:30am-4:30pm
Contribution $80 (early bird) – $95
Bring your own lunch

You can book your space at
(Early Bird tickets finish 2nd of December)

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to call 0421675474

I am not on any social media and appreciate if you like to share this invitation to whoever you think may be interested.

Warmly  :-)  Claudia

Connecting to the Homeland / Family Constellation Day

I just returned from visiting Switzerland, the country where I was born, after 15 years.

It was a deep experience to reconnect with the beauty of my homeland, and reminded me of the importance to not only honor our ancestors, but also the land from where we come from.

It was like meeting a dear being/mother which I felt disconnected from for such a long time. A big wave of joy and grief washed over me as I touched the ground.

The sense of loss which comes when we decide to leave our birth place is shared with so many of us here who emigrated from all parts of the world. I never for a moment felt the pull to return to live in Switzerland, but the longing was sitting deep within me, almost forgotten.

In most indigenous traditions this knowing is deeply woven into the fabric of their lives and has inspired and became a big part of Family Constellation.

With this rich experience in heart, I look forward sharing another day together supporting our healing and ongoing integration. An invitation to embrace what was forgotten or displaced.

The next Family Constellation Day

Saturday 4th of November 9:30am-4:30pm
Contribution $80 (early bird) – $95
Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time to all participants.

You can book your space at
(Early Bird tickets finish 29th of October)

Family Constellation Workshop 5th of August 2023

Saturday 5th of August 9:30am-4:30pm
Contribution $80 (early bird) – $95
Bring your own lunch
More details with directions will be sent closer to time

You can book your space at
(Early Bird tickets finish 29th of July)

(This will be the last FC day before I travel overseas to visit my mother and my birthplace :-).
I plan to resume monthly groups again from October on wards).

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call 0421675474

“Claudia, thank you so much for your exceptional and intuitive facilitation. I feel blessed to witness and experience such powerful therapy.”  Caddie/Brisbane

“Thank you so much Claudia, for your incredible facilitation and beautiful energy that you bring to this work. I have worked with so many healing modalities over the years, and genuinely walked away from that experience feeling more deeply impacted than with anything else I have experienced. It honestly felt as powerful for me as a plant medicine journey, without taking any substances. I felt so safe and held in your space and look forward to returning and diving deeper into this work, which feels truly life-  changing.” 

Tori, Body worker

“I recently attended Claudia’s Family Constellation workshop and have noticed many shifts already, especially in my relationship with my mother. I left the workshop feeling much lighter and filled with divine love and grace. I am so grateful for this transformational space and I gained so much from having my own constellation done, but also bearing witness and taking part in other people’s constellations. A deeply connecting and healing day for me. Thank you Claudia for holding the space with such tenderness, grace and wisdom.”  Alexandra Sanders

Family Constellation Day 8th of July / Mullumbimby

An invitation to the next family Constellation Day on
Saturday the 8th of July

The beauty of this modality is that the experience of trusting in ‘the field’ – or whatever term you like to use to describe that which moves everything towards healing and integration, is growing deeper for us all as we experience it directly. 
This is not to be mistaken with achievement, or progress as pushing forward, but as a slowing down and connecting with the depth of what is. This is where deep healing and integration takes place.

“It is essential to practice non-interference, letting the deep work of soul go on without our interventions. “ Francis Weller

To book you space go to

Testimony from last Workshop/June :

‘Thank you so much Claudia, for your incredible facilitation and beautiful energy that you bring to this work. I have worked with so many healing modalities over the years, and genuinely walked away from that experience feeling more deeply impacted than with anything else I have experienced. It honestly felt as powerful for me as a plant medicine journey, without taking any substances. I felt so safe and held in your space and look forward to returning and diving deeper into this work, which feels truly life-changing.’