Healing Circle and Family Constellation

Our hearts and souls, humanity and mother earth, are in urgent need of healing circles, especially now as we face a crisis of survival on this planet. Indigenous people have a long history of holding healing and grieving circles as they understand the importance of receiving support from the community rather than having to be with these strong feelings in isolation.
What always touches me deeply is that Family Constellation groups offer not only individuals processing their own issues, but the experience that we all contribute to support each other in our healing.
The Soul doesn’t need to analyze a situation but requires a deep acceptance of the facts of how things were and are. To truly find this acceptance and be with the associated feelings, is deeply healing and freeing.
Like most spiritual practices, its simple but often not easy, but deepens as we learn to trust the flow of life.
It is our journey from the mind to the heart.

If this resonates with you please come and join me on

Saturday 10th of June 9:30am-4:30pm
Contribution $80 (early bird) -$95

Bring your own lunch.

If you have any questions call 0421675474 

You can book your space at https://events.humanitix.com/family-constellation-workshop-10th-of-june
(Early Bird tickets finish 3rd of June)
More details with directions will be sent closer to time

“Claudia, thank you so much for your exceptional and intuitive facilitation. I feel blessed to witness and experience such powerful therapy.” Caddie/Brisbane

6th of May, A Day to Heal Ancestral Trauma

I would like to invite you to the next family Constellation Day,

Saturday the 6th of May

The shifts which can take place when we see, acknowledge, accept and
re-member past events and people exactly as they are can be profoundly healing. It is simple but often not easy to say ‘yes’ to what we can’t change but this is what frees us to move forward and live our life more fully.

“The root of many of the biggest challenges stems from frozen and unresolved ancestral trauma. When we do ancestral healing work, we clear our own path and that for our family and greater community.” Thomas Huebl

If this resonates with you I hope you can join me on:

Saturday 6th of May 9:30am-4:30pm

Contribution $80 (early bird) -$95

If you have any questions call 0421675474 
You can book your space at  https://events.humanitix.com/family-constellation-workshop-6th-may-2023

Tea and snacks provided. Bring your own lunch.

Looking forward to an other heartwarming and healing day. :-)


Systemic Family Constellation Day

Systemic/Family Constellation Day 19th February

“The greater soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate.” Bert Hellinger

I am offering an other Family Constellation Day, connecting to the ‘field’ which guides us and supporting each other in our relating and loving.

Sunday 19th of February 9:30am-4pm
Contribution $80
Bring your own lunch.

If you have any questions and/or haven’t attended any of my groups before please call 0421675474 

Family and Systemic Constellation Workshop

I am happy to offer family constellation days again at my studio near Mullumbimby.

We have been challenged with restrictions, isolation and different views during the pandemic which divided our families, friends and communities.
The floods followed, absolutely devastating, but it has been heart opening being part of rebuilding and experiencing our resilience and willingness to come together again as a community helping each other no matter what our opinions are. We learn that we as a community are greater than its separate parts as individuals.
I believe as we are facing further challenges through climate change and conflicts around the world we need to draw on our innate wisdom, knowing that we can only survive by connecting with each other.

Family and Systemic constellation groups are an invitation to embrace all views and ways of being and seeing the deeper contentedness with each other and the growing trust in a bigger field energy that supports us all..

It is knowing that we are all interconnected, that each individual healing is like dropping a pebble in a lake creating ripples which contribute to our ancestral and global healing so desperately needed.
With this in mind we contribute to everyone’s healing as we witness, represent or do our own constellation. We fundamentally all share the same wounding as human beings. The recognition of that opens us up to compassion and love.

For more information about Family and Systemic Constellations click here

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. -Dalai Lama

If this resonates with you I hope you can join me on:

Saturday 26th of November 9:30am-3:30pm
Contribution $80
Bring your own lunch.
Booking is essential 0421675474

Venue is 5 minutes outside of Mullumbimby. Exact address will be forwarded when you book.

My Ceramics

During Covid lock down I reconnected with my passion for clay and have since enjoyed reflective and creative time in my Studio. My new website for my ceramic is www.claudiagyrceramics.com.au

Therapy Wisdom Summit

I would like to share this information with you about a free on line event as I trust this will be relevant to anyone interested in psychotherapy either as a therapist or client who likes to understand more about the gifts of trauma and how we best move forward within ourselves and in the bigger world. An amazing line up of international experts in the field!


Creative Arts Group

Reflect, Create and Connect

Come and spend a day to touch base with yourself through creativity and group support. Many people I talk to have been conditioned to think they are not creative or skilled enough to be so. These believes often date back to our childhood where we had negative messages given to us in this regard. Some of us have buried that creative spark somewhere deep inside since then. Most of us long to rediscover this part in some shape or form.

Here the good news! Absolutely no artistic skills are needed. You don’t need skills to be creative! Skills come to you naturally as you engage and find enjoyment in the process

What you do need is a curious open mind and a little courage and persistence to learn to move past the inner critic to free up your creative flow.

I offer a nonjudgmental environment where we can practice the art of creating with non-attachment to outcomes and the use of mistakes as spring boards to new discoveries.

The focus is on the process of creativity and self discovery and not on the end result.

The day will start with mindful grounding and followed by diving into your playful, creative process, prompted by loosening up exercises. We will include moments of reflections, which then will take you deeper into yourself and your painting process.

(Please note: This is not a therapy group but the process can bring up issues. So you do need to be in a stable life situation and have enough support to manage what may surface through these groups).

Saturdays 9:30am- 3:30pm. 

Cost: $95/ Cons. $85

Drawing Paper and glue’s, magazines, scissors provided. Bring your own acrylic paints and brushes (and special paper if you like).

(Open to expression of interest of once a month weekday group 10-1pm $55/Cons $45)

To get reminders and information about upcoming workshops join my email list on homepage

Facilitator : Claudia Gyr

MA Cerative Arts Therapy

The creative process can be a truly healing experience as we learn to trust our intuition and follow our spontaneous expression. This translates into all areas of our lives.

Family Constellation Groups

This work is based on the recognition that we all are part of a bigger field or force connecting us to each other and to our ancestors. It is also based on the recognition that there is an order in the system of where you belong and the responsibilities which come with that place.

Family Constellation work explores the systems we live in and the impact they have on our lives. It brings awareness to relational entanglements in intimate relationships, family, work place and to related health issues. This process supports experiential integration of unacknowledged parts of our systems and within ourselves which can lead to long lasting positive effects.

Family or Systems Constellation is not limited to explore family Systems but can be used to explore any life situation we like to find more clarity, integration and possible resolution.

Through directly experiencing the field energy in the group we learn to trust that all movement is essentially a movement towards healing and integration and that the power of intent, love, trust and curiosity is what supports this movement.


‘Thank you so much Claudia, for your incredible facilitation and beautiful energy that you bring to this work. I have worked with so many healing modalities over the years, and genuinely walked away from that experience feeling more deeply impacted than with anything else I have experienced. It honestly felt as powerful for me as a plant medicine journey, without taking any substances. I felt so safe and held in your space and look forward to returning and diving deeper into this work, which feels truly life-  changing.’   Tori, Bodyworker

I recently attended Claudia’s Family Constellation workshop and have noticed many shifts already, especially in my relationship with my mother. I left the workshop feeling much lighter and filled with divine love and grace. I am so grateful for this transformational space and I gained so much from having my own constellation done, but also bearing witness and taking part in other people’s constellations. A deeply connecting and healing day for me. Thank you Claudia for holding the space with such tenderness, grace and wisdom.  Alexandra Sanders

“Claudia, thank you so much for your exceptional and intuitive facilitation. I feel blessed to witness and experience such powerful therapy.”  Caddie/Brisbane

Here an explanation about the “Knowing Field” which we work with in family constellation and what Rubert Sheldrake calls the Morphic Field.

For information about details, future dates, and bookings click here.

To book text or call Claudia on 0421675474

Art Therapy and Counselling through NDIS

There are three ways you can manage the funds you recieve from NDIS, self managed, plan managed and agency managed. The first two options allow you to choose from any providers including providers who are not registered with NDIS. Here is a link which explains the three options in more detail https://www.leapin.com.au/what-is-plan-management/

If you are self managed or plan managed, the NDIS funded services you can access through me are:

  • Counseling and Psychotherapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Creative groups
  • Individual Art sessions

The creative arts can be used in many ways, including with most physical disabilities.

Call 0421675474 to discuss what kind of support you are looking for.